Dr Bhima Retires
It is time to call it a day! I am retiring as of today. I feel I have been given much more than I have ever given in the course of my work. Since joining the practice at its original site on Vicars Drive in 1998, I have thoroughly enjoyed my profession and had the privilege of being allowed into so many patients' lives. Many experiences and emotions and sometimes laughter have been shared over the years. We have also shared many stories and the learning has been constant. I am grateful to all the previous and present team at the practice for looking after and supporting patients’ best interests which is the common aim we all share. They will continue to look after you. I am looking forward to what the future has to offer after over two decades years in General Practice. I sincerely thank you for everything and wish you all the best.
Dr George Bhima
The NHS App
We would like to invite you to use The NHS App. This allows you to access a range of NHS services. Here is a video which explains how the NHS app works. At this surgery you can use the NHS app to:
- order repeat medication
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- make an appointment
- view medical records
- find your NHS number
Click here to get started with the NHS app.
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Contact Us Online
We have a new way in which you can contact us online for any routine enquries. We will aim to get back to you within 72 hours. You can use this system to:
- Request sick notes
- Request letters
Click here to access the system.
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